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Real Estate 101

Having the money to pay for a down-payment is just one of the expenses associated to purchasing a home. Once you have done so, you will discover that there are other expenses and that they are not as negligible as you would want them to be. Below are some expenses that many home-buyers often overlook.

  1. You’ve found the condo of your dreams. It’s got great amenities, impeccable finish, and it even comes with a roof garden. But where is it located? Does it take a long commute to get to your workplace and back? You need to consider the cost associated with travel because, although you may think the property is a steal, you may be spending a great deal when you consider the travel time and cost to get to it.
  2. Aside from the money you need to pay to the property itself, there are fees and costs you need to sort out before the contract is signed. The buyer usually pays for the notary fee and the local transfer tax, while the seller usually takes care of capital gains tax and real estate agent’s fee.
  3. When you finally found the perfect place and you’re ready to move, there’s the cost associated with moving your stuff to your new place. You don’t intend to do that yourself, do you? How much cash have you got to get new ones?
  4. When you move in, either to your new condo or a house within a gated community, there are also homeowner’s association or condo fees that you need to pay. This usually goes for the upkeep of common areas, such as hallways, the swimming pool, having the trash picked up, etc.
  5. How about insurance costs? This can also be included in your mortgage payment, but it depends on the agreement you have with the lender. There are many kinds of home insurance and the type you need depends on where you are living.
  6. Utilities can be a shock if you are not prepared. It is a good idea to know what to expect to pay for electricity, water, sewer, and other basic home services. Some costs can be controlled by keeping your usage low.
  7. Maintenance can be a surprise for those who go from an apartment, for instance, to a single-family home on a lot that needs to be mowed and taken care of. What will need to be done to keep this place in good condition?
  8. Repairs are home expenses that everybody will have sooner or later. Plumbing leaks, appliances stop working, or somebody breaks a window. It is wise to put a little money aside every paycheck as a fund for these things, in case you need extra cash to pay the plumber when he comes.

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