Who does not love success secrets? Like you, I devour everything that I can get my eyes on, especially if it’s self-help tips.

Lately, there has been a growing interest in morning habits of successful people. Every successful person would swear on doing certain things that helped them to become masters at what they do, no matter what happens during and at the end of each day.

But with all the hundreds of “special” helpful tips you read in articles, videos, books, and social media posts, I realized that there is a commonality across all of them that you can incorporate some of them in your daily routine.

Here are the six (6) basic morning habits every successful person go through to become who they are:

1. They wake up before or just after the sun rises with ease.

(Image source: media.giphy.com.)

Successful people are already up before or just after the sun goes up without the help of an alarm clock. This is because they are already primed to take the day way before they face their first battle, which is with their beds.

HOW: Succeed your first battle in bed by getting a good amount of sleep. Ariana Huffington, editor-at-large of The Huffington Post, believes that by getting your much-needed shuteye, your creativity, confidence, ingenuity, decision-making, and leadership skills will be more enhanced.

2. They revisit their to-do list made the night before.

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(GIF Image from video source: Pixar/Walt Disney Films)

Did you know that only 2% of sales are made on the first contact? 80% of real estate sales are actually made on the 5th to 12th contact, and not counting the many attempts. Now that’s a lot of time to spend on just one client.

Successful people, on the other hand, are smart when it comes to spending their time, especially if they’re engaging with a lot of people. They also make sure that the time spent should be spent on investing or getting value back. They prioritize engaging with people whose actions (ex. property viewing) would move them to the next decision-making stage, or whose actions will result in a return of investment (ex. sales contract signing, turnover).

HOW: Use an easy-to-use system to plan the night ahead. This way, it’s easier to check and make adjustments to your task list in the morning should there be any last-minute changes or accommodations made.

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3. They get active.

(Image source: giphy.com)

Successful people need to be energetic, rejuvenated and have a clear mind to accomplish their goals for the day. This can only happen if they take a few minutes of their time for exercise.

Physical activity will help your body release the brain’s feel-good transmitters called endorphins. When endorphins are released in your body, it decreases any stress left or associated with the day before, helping you to face the day on a clear slate.

HOW: If you’re not into exercise, choose to do one that you’re comfortable with. Whether it’s a 7-minute full body workout, 20-minute yoga session, or a 30-minute jog around the neighborhood, you wouldn’t mind sweating it off because you love doing it.

4. They do something that reminds them of their goals.

Before starting the day, Richard Branson considers flying a kite while surfing around his island as his me-time. Sounds like a kid’s dream, but it’s not. Branson, who owns the Virgin Group (which comprises over 400 companies), also looks forward to swimming before taking on his formal duties as his company’s chairman and CEO.

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(Image source: Jack Brockway/Virgin.com)

When asked about his morning activities, he explained in a blog post,

“Kiting helps me to clear my head, and with a clear head, I find I can put everything into perspective, and think up new ideas more easily.”

5. They update their knowledge bank.


Successful people rather focus on retaining information that is relevant to their daily or future successes. They either read an inspirational book, listen to motivational speeches, or watch a short video regarding a new school of thought.

HOW: Take a career development lesson. You can learn a new language, or a skill like digital marketing or blogging.

6. They tackle actionable tasks during their downtime.

Successful people waste no time getting things done. Mo Gumatay or DJ Mo Twister, the host the controversial yet highly successful radio and podcast program “Good Times with Mo,” recently (over)shared an Instagram post about babysitting his baby daughter and writing materials for his future show episodes while “doing his business” in the bathroom.

multitasking dj mo twister
“♥️ Writing topics for the morning radio show, wiping my ass, and babysitting all in one go, good times,” Mo wrote.
(Image source: Mo Twister/Instagram)

This may not be right for most people, but Mo’s post not only struck home to every parent who has no nanny to take care of the kids, but to busy people in general. This is because successful people would like to be when it comes to spending their time on things. This is because even the smallest tasks can take time that you could have spend on major projects during your actual workday.

HOW: Long commutes to work? Waiting in line for coffee at your local Starbucks? You actually have extra time in the morning than you think. Take advantage of them by accomplishing tasks that you can complete within two (2) minutes (answering quick emails, making phone calls, or reviewing presentation materials/reports for an upcoming meeting ahead).

The Takeaway

Notice how they go about things in the morning? Entrepreneur and weightlifter James Clear explains the difference between professionals and amateurs. He wrote in his blog,

Professionals know what is important to them and work towards it with purpose, amateurs get pulled off course by the urgencies of life.

In order to be great at what you do, you do not for one second do things like an “amateur.” You simply do things better because there is a purpose in what you should do.

It’s no longer about closing a sale, or securing a signed sales contract. It’s about securing your OFW client his financial stability or a home that his family can call their own. It’s guiding a working millenial to be masinop (prudent) with his hard-earned money. It’s about getting a seasoned real estate investor the best deal in his life.

This is why successful people are always “in the game.” They think like a real PRO – always looking for tools, strategies, any type of advancement to get ahead of the game and present themselves as professional as possible not just to their clients, but to the world in general.

Now, wouldn’t that be a morning ritual you’d be willing to try out?

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