About This Project

St. Ignatius de Loyola is a residential community offering 110 to 160 square meter townhomes for sale in Talisay City, Cebu. Each townhouse has a unique open space layout that allows homeseekers to design their own living space and customize it according to their needs and preferences. The property is a great place to raise a family because of its peaceful and relaxed vibe. Other features within the property include 24-hour security, centralized water distribution, and drainage and sewage treatment system. Kids can play in the community playground and families can bond and hold picnics at the park. Conveniently, the property is only a few minutes away from schools, public markets, and the Robinsons Mall.

Features & Amenities

  • 24-hour Security
  • Playground

Type House and Lot
Unit Types 4, 5 Bedroom
Association Dues N/A
No. of Buildings / Towers N/A
Property Management N/A
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